
第七屆理事長 高小晴:啟動女人的力量
President Cynthia Kao :Empowering Women

      被譽為「自我療癒界的第一夫人」Louise L. Hay 女士在其所著的“寫給女人的生命啟動書”中寫到:『我們可以為地球做的最棒的事,就是「啟動女人的力量」,如果女人受到壓抑,那是每一個人的損失;如果女人能好好成就自我,那麼我們全部都是贏家!』。





敬祝  平安喜樂

現任理事長 高小晴
Cynthia Kao

螢幕快照 2020-04-15 21.42.56

Empowering women is the best thing we can do for the planet.  When women are suppressed, everybody loses.  When women win, we all win.–Louise Hay, “The first lady of self-healing”

Six years ago, Taipei 101 Women’s Entrepreneurs Association was founded. The founder Ms. May Liu organized this exclusive women’s learning and sharing group, empowering women, and also to inject her rich experience, resources to share with members. Members from all fields in the innovative society, seriously and actively working to attain their own achievements. Carter President May and Past President Susan, Cora and Jennifer also support and encourage all members to learn from each other. In addition to showing women’s strength, they are further committed to the public good, paying attention to the environment and children.

“Based in Taiwan, with an international outlook” ––this is the vision of this Council.

2019, Taipei 101 became sister clubs with groups in Japan and Australia by the work of Jennifer. In addition to taking steps of international integration and interaction, and letting more international friends know Taiwan, it also shows that the Association is a high-quality group.

In 2020, I, Cynthia become the 7th President, it’s a journey of learning for me, but it’s more of a responsibility. This journey requires all of our sisters to experience achievements together, but also needs the recognition and encouragement of friends from all sides. I always said “Even if one is lacking in wisdom, one must at least learn to follow others”.

This year, all the sisters will be more cohesive through diverse participation in the event, and of course this year is still full of love and welcome to all the friends. Modern women are different from the past, we are writing our own definition of “women”. The women of Taiwanese tradition embody love, courage and perseverance––within the family and in the workplace. And now we join the international community, so that the world can see the strength of Taiwan women.


與輔導理事長Jennifer 合影

例會活動與主講人 李艷秋 合照