
Vision & Goal


2013年萬事達卡與亞洲女性權力與經濟成長報告(Women Power and Economic Growth in Asia)中指出,台灣女性受高等教育比例(84.43%)在十七個評比的國家與地區中位居亞洲第二,勞動參與率卻僅排名亞太第十,台灣的經濟發展,婦女的參與貢獻是不容忽視。因此,集結女力的開發與運用,國家追求經濟競爭力再提昇的重要課題,也是本會的長遠願景。




The 2013 MasterCard and Women Power and Economic Growth in Asia report pointed out that the proportion of Taiwanese women receiving higher education ( 84.43 %) ranked second in Asia among the 17 countries and regions. The labor participation rate ranks only tenth in the Asia-Pacific region. In Taiwan ’s economic development, women ’s contribution cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is also the long-term vision of the Association to integrate the development and use of female power and the country ’s pursuit of an important issue of economic competitiveness. The clear goal of this association is to focus on establishing more international friendship, and to have a dialogue with leaders of women ’s groups from all over the world, so that we can understand more clearly the common goals and ideas of female owners, and ultimately achieve “Visibility” “Promote cultural, business, and women exchanges between Taiwan and foreign countries”






Since its establishment in February 2014, Taipei 101 has been actively organizing delegations to participate in international conferences and activities related to women entrepreneurs in the world. In addition to broadening horizons, increasing insights, and enhancing self, member visits have strengthened economic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the world, and increased the international exposure of Taiwanese and Taiwanese female entrepreneurs through conference exchanges, allowing the world to see To Taiwan.