

  • 促進台北市工商婦女企業管理者相互聯繫及學習。
  • 辦理國際交流,加強工商婦女企業管理者與國際接軌。
  • 鼓勵工商婦女企業管理者持續參與服務,提供服務交流平台。
  • 向政府提供工商婦女建設性之建議。
  • 女性經濟力的培育。
  • 促進友會之間的聯誼。
  • 發揮工商婦女企業管理者之才華,參與各項公益活動及關懷弱勢。
  • Support mutual understanding & growth amongst women entrepreneurs in the city of Taipei.
  • Sponsor international exchange activities to strengthen the integration with the rest of the world.
  • Encourage female entrepreneurs to continue to participate in services and provide an exchange platform.
  • Constructive voice to the government from female entrepreneurs
  • Cultivate women’s economic strength
  • Encourage alliances with other friendly associations & its members.
  • Empower the talents of women entrepreneurs to participate in various public welfare & care for the disadvantaged.